A while back, I read about an Asian-American couple that were living in the Middle East (I don't remember the country but they were there for his job). The couple had adopted three children from Africa. The little girl had a disease that was a result of malnourishment before she was adopted and ended up passing away. As if this family didn't have enough to deal with, the government in the country they were living in said that there was no way the couple would want to adopt "unattractive" looking children who did not look like them and were not related to them. They MUST have done it for human trafficking and obviously they murdered the little girl. This upset me so badly. I have lived such a sheltered life in the US that I didn't realize that this kind of thinking even existed. How dare someone think a child doesn't deserve a home because they're not "blood" related or because they look different?
I was thinking about this today and what today represents. Men and women fought for our wonderful country so that we could be free - we have freedom to worship as we please (for the most part) and say what we want (again, for the most part). I was able to marry my husband because I loved him - not because someone "arranged it." I don't agree with most of what our government does today and am not completely happy with the shape our country is in today. However, as bad as things seem, we still live in a FREE country and for that, I am thankful.
As I'm writing this, I think back to a few days ago. Dakota was asking me about the wise men and why they brought gifts to baby Jesus. He sat down in my lap and we had a conversation about King Herod, the wise men, and their gifts to baby Jesus. I realized while writing this post that being able to have that conversation with my son is something many mother's do not have the privilege of having. Jon & I have the RIGHT and the FREEDOM to tell our son about Jesus - His birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection.
Dakota sings a song called "God Likes People." In the chorus, it says "God likes people, any shape, any color, any size. You don't have to be an angel to be really special in his eyes." God has adopted us as his children. He doesn't love us because we are blood or because we resemble His looks. We are His children and He loves us regardless of our shape, color, or size.
I know there are people out there who sadly think that you can't love someone who isn't your blood - at least not the same. There are people who don't believe adoption is a good thing. But I'm thankful that overall - this country is pretty accepting of the idea, especially compared to that country in the Middle East. For my freedom to live, worship, pray, be happy, love, and even freedom to adopt, I would like to say thank you to all of the Veterans out there. Happy Veteran's Day!
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